Credit Connect exists to deliver news and information to the credit, collections and insolvency sector by sharing news, insight and reports with industry professionals. The brand has been developed to help credit professionals become more knowledgeable The site’s information is segmented so that professionals can quickly gather information.
CEOs, MDs, Business Owners and Partners, Directors, Operations Compliance, Risk, Fraud, Department Heads of Collections & Recoveries, Senior Managers
Credit Connect has over 34,500 industry contacts but not all of these people are relevant to your business. Credit Connect’s segmented database can be sliced and diced so that we direct your company’s marketing messages. The uniqueness of the database is reflected by the dedication applied to ensuring that the database is monitored and updated daily.
With Credit Connect’s data by your side, your business can connect with more new business contacts. You can rely on the comprehensive, accurate, and timely information you need to stay competitive, win clients, and close deals.
Essentially Credit Connect’s ethos is built with two main principles:
The brand’s mission is to utilise its uniquely segmented design so businesses can engage, interact, network and connect using several engaging platforms. Credit Connect has database includes decision makers from within consumer and commercial credit. This includes: Financial Services creditors, utilities, media firms, alternative lenders, debt purchasers, debt funders, law firms plus many more. The database accounts for the credit, collections and recovery chain. Job titles include company Owners, Chief Executive Officers, Managing Directors, Board members and other senior management who influence business decision-making practices.
The brand has also created a number of virtual and in-person event brands and intends to grow these further.
The Credit Connect team has expansive knowledge of the financial services sector. The team has worked across many media platforms and can deliver a return on investment through the key values of lead generation, thought leadership, networking and brand awareness. The team have launched bespoke print, digital and event media over the past 20 years.
As Director of the business, Colin White has extensive and media commercial experience spanning nearly 25 years and has worked across multiple media platforms including regional, international, consumer and business to business press. In the past 12 years, he has worked exclusively in the Financial Services media sector.
Credit Connect places emphasis on customer service and value at the heart of the Credit Connect brand. Contact the commercial team now for information on how Credit Connect can make a difference to your business.