Telecoms customers turning to their providers for debt advice

20th May 2024

New research by Ofcom has found that four in five telecoms customers who look for information about debt support turn to their telecoms provider for information.

Ofcom says that it keeps a close eye on levels of debt in the UK telecoms market and monitors how vulnerable customers are treated by providers. Last year, our data showed that just over 2% of customers had missed at least one payment, and less than 1% had missed two or more payments.

Our latest research indicates that more than four in five (83%) of those who had looked for information about debt support had turned to their provider for it. Those who had looked for support information from their provider were usually able to find it.

Also, when we asked people who had not missed a payment in 2023 where they would think to look for information about debt support if they were struggling to pay, the most popular sources for advice were their providers (48%), friends and family (32%) and a charity/organisation that gives free debt advice (22%).

However, with only around half (53%) of those who experienced telecoms debt last year able to recall receiving information from their provider about debt support, this may point to providers’ communication of debt support when a customer misses a payment not being as effective as it could be.

Under our rules, providers must have policies and procedures in place to make sure vulnerable customers are treated fairly, including those in financial difficulty. Ofcom has previously produced a guide with best practice examples suggesting how vulnerable customers should be treated, including people who are behind on their bills.