BNPL users to exceed 670m globally by 2028

16th April 2024

A new study from Juniper Research, found that by 2028, the  Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)userbase will increase by 107%, from 380 million users in 2024.

Banks and super apps are leveraging their positions to underrepresented demographics incentivising BNPL through consolidated offerings tailored to consumers, such as integrated eCommerce platforms.

Juniper Research found that despite fintech companies commanding the BNPL market for years, 2023 saw a major shift, as superapps and banks gained traction. WeChat and Grab are notable superapps offering BNPL to users, embedded within platforms offering numerous products. Market leader Klarna recognised the potential of superapps; transforming its app into one. In future, the market will see not only more superapps offering BNPL, but consolidated retail experiences tailored to consumer demand; altering market shares significantly.

Research author Matt Purnell said “As the BNPL landscape becomes increasingly competitive, vendors must not only stand out, but incentivise repeated use through reward points or increasing loan limits for consistently punctual repayments.”

The research also noted regulatory discussions and general BNPL prevalence have marked a turning point for consumer confidence, with more people utilising solutions. Banks have therefore begun offering their own BNPL products; adding protections to transactions for seasoned BNPL users and risk-adverse or older populations alike. Recognition from banks also provides confidence to businesses, with fraud risk being mitigated relative to non-regulated BNPL vendors. This confidence will result in over 10 billion BNPL transactions forecast in 2028.

Research author Matt Purnell said “As the BNPL landscape becomes increasingly competitive, vendors must not only stand out, but incentivise repeated use through reward points or increasing loan limits for consistently punctual repayments.”