Energy efficiency measures the ‘missing piece’ of the government’s energy strategy

8th April 2022

The Government has launched a wide-ranging £375 million package of support for innovative energy technologies that will power British homes and businesses for decades to come and further strengthen the nation’s energy security.

The strategy includes £240 million to support the production of hydrogen as a clean, low-cost energy technology, £2.5 million of funding to develop next-generation nuclear technology and a further £5 million towards research into carbon capture. Responding to the news, Dame, Clare Moriarty, Chief Executive of Citizens Advice, said “There is a major missing piece of this strategy. Energy efficiency. Improving the energy efficiency of homes in this country can help bring down bills right now, it means safer, warmer homes and it protects people from future price spikes.”

“Increasing domestic energy supplies will help protect bill-payers from price spikes. But the financing and building of new nuclear is complex and projects have a history of being delivered late and over budget. Consumers can’t be left to pick up the tab if the same thing happens again.”

Alex Hall-Chen, Senior Policy Advisor at the Institute of Directors, said “Business needs a sustained commitment from this and subsequent governments to make the objectives defined in this strategy a reality.”

“Business leaders want two things from a national energy security policy. Firstly, they want price stability so that they can plan. Recently we’ve seen how disruptive instability can be. In our most recent poll, 53% reported the cost of energy having a negative impact on their business, up from only 17% this time last year. To this end we welcome the Energy Security Strategy’s commitment to greater independence from international markets. However, more detail is required on how business and government can work together to achieve this objective. We are also concerned that the measures announced will do little to help businesses facing high energy costs in the immediate future.”

“Secondly, business leaders want confidence that government policy is sufficient to meet our country’s net-zero goals. The economic case for accelerated government commitment to, and investment in, sustainable energy production and energy efficiency has never been stronger. Today’s commitment to low carbon energy production is therefore welcome, but greater ambition and leadership is needed to rapidly increase renewable energy production.”

“It is also important that small and medium-sized businesses are given greater incentives and support from government to help them invest in measures to become more energy resilient and energy-efficient which, to date, has been a gap in the government’s climate change strategy.”