Latest figures from Ofgem show energy debt levels have broken records again, with £3.69bn now owed.
Debt charity, Money Advice Trust has highlighted the need for urgent debt help with energy arrears breaking record levels.
The figures come ahead of the latest energy price cap increase, which comes into effect on 1st October, when energy bills will rise by 9.5% to £1,717 for the average household.
Responding to the latest arrears figures, leading debt advice charity, the Money Advice Trust is calling for dedicated support for people trapped in energy debt through repayment matching and debt write-off.
Steve Vaid, Chief Executive of the Money Advice Trust, the charity that runs National Debtline, said “These latest record-breaking energy debt figures only highlight what we have been saying for some time – without urgent support for households facing unaffordable arrears, energy debt will only rise further.
“Colder months and higher energy prices are set to add to the pressure many people are already under as they struggle to keep up with their bills.
“A Help to Repay scheme, with repayment matching and debt write-off options, is needed now more than ever.”