Strong support for fair and effective enforcement system.

16th May 2024

Research by the High Court Enforcement Officers Association (HCEOA) has found that there is strong support from the general public for a fair and effective enforcement system.

The data and the feedback from the research, which involved a representative sample of 2,000 people across England and Wales, showed that 83% agreed or strongly agreed that fair and effective enforcement is a necessary part of the justice system.

Almost 80% of respondents said that people and businesses who are owed money should be able to use a regulated enforcement system to recover debt from those who haven’t paid. Whilst 72% thought unpaid debt would increase without fair and effective enforcement.

Vulnerability considerations, repayment plans and the ability for creditors to reclaim the amount owed in full were also all seen as important to members of the public whilst 89% think it’s important that there are clear rules and regulations in place to protect vulnerable people and that repayment plans are offered to debtors who can’t afford to pay their debts.

82% think it’s important that the person or business owed money should receive the full amount on their court order.

While most people expressed confidence in ‘the judicial system’ to set, and enforcement agents to follow, the appropriate rules – there was a minority who don’t:

69% of the public agreed there are rules and regulations in place to govern how enforcement agents operate. Whilst 61% trust enforcement agents to follow the law while carrying out their work.

Chair of the HCEOA, Alan J. Smith, said “While the research findings show there is strong support from the general public for enforcement, there are is also still some work to be done. The good news is that there is agreement around shared outcomes that everyone, including the public, wants. Including that vulnerable debtors remain properly supported and creditors receive the full amount owed to them.

“The challenge for policymakers and civil servants is to make sure that enforcement is funded properly to meet the expectations of the public. At a time when we’re still awaiting the implementation of a first fee increase in ten years, with the strong likelihood of system and/or fee structure reform to go alongside it, we’re at a critical point for the profession.“