West Bromwich Mortgage Company needs to pay more 6,000 landlords around £27.5 million back following a Court of Appeal ruling on raising its tracker mortgage rate.
Read moreResearch by Echo Managed Services suggests that consumers are purposely withholding payments as a result of poor customer service or billing issues. Full details of the report can be found here.
Read moreHere is a list of credit industry companies approved by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) announced so far: Agilsys Burlington London House Wrights Recoveries Myjar Debt Managers Allied Credit Management Akinka CCS collect Spratt Endicott CRS Luna Finance Cash on Go/Peachy.co.uk BW legal Trusted Quid Ferrantum Drydens Fairfax Hilton Baird Uncle Buck Cabot Credit Management Face…
Read moreUK Asset Resolution (UKAR) agreed to sell a £13 billion asset portfolio from the legacy book of NRAM (including £12 billion of loans within the Granite securitisation vehicle, plus a further £1billion of non-Granite assets) to Cerberus Capital Management LP.
Read moreGross mortgage borrowing of £12 billion in the month was 12% higher than in April 2015. House purchase approval were 6% lower than in April 2015.
Read moreGovernment proposals in the Digital Economy Bill, suggests switching mortgages in seven days maybe possible in the future.
Read moreMortgage fraud suffers losses equivalent to £1.3 billion annually, according the Annual Fraud Indicator 2016 report. Out of every 10,000 mortgage applications, 84 are suspected of being fraudulent.
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